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Within a Parisian art gallery in the heart of the 6th arrondissement, 18BIS FORMATION aims to enhance the skills of artists, authors and art professionals through the presentation and digitalization of their physical work.
18BIS FORMATION has enriched its catalog with English training courses acknowledged for their efficiency, 100% of the time with experienced English-speaking coaches. These training courses are open to all audiences, regardless of their level of expression in English.

18Bis is a QUALIOPI certified training organization, providing financial support.
For any further information, call us on 01 56 81 90 85 or fill out the form
below and we will contact you as soon as possible!

Valerie Eva PONTY, Training Director

Our training programs and services

Obtenir un RDV pour un devis

Galerie 18Bis

20, Rue de Savoie 75006 PARIS

Email :

Merci de votre envoi !!

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