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18bis offers training intended for visual artists, authors, art professionals or contemporary art lovers who participate in or are directly linked to the professions of visual artists.

Intended for

You have been a visual artist or author for more than 3 years, you wish to integrate and participate in the new Crypto-art ecosystems, this training is for you.


Understand new technologies in Blockchain and facilitate their use in
visual artists' work.
Understand the issues to be able to operate a transition to these digital media and apply a development strategy for future creations.
Read, decrypt or use smart contracts in future art negotiations & transactions.

After this 3-day training, each participant will easily be able to:


  • open a wallet on METAMASK.

  • navigate different Blokchains such as BNB Smart Chain or ETHEREUM

  • define the best platform to present your work in the new Crypto-art ecosystem.

  • consider the terms to secure your work via a smart contract.

Modalités d'évaluation 

Cette formation, conçue comme une exploration dans l'univers en construction de la Blockchain, vise à vous faire vivre l'expérience d'un projet artistique, pas à pas. 

Tout au long du parcours des 3 jours de formation, une série d'exercices écrits contrôle les connaissances acquises  "à chaud".

Vous serez également motivés par une série d'évaluations "à froid", commençant une semaine après la fin de la formation.  

Grâce aux rappels hebdomadaires par email et SMS et le suivi du formateur, nous espérons vous donner envie d'explorer ces nouvelles ressources.


Aussi, chaque jour de formation, à travers les explications condensées du formateur et :

  • des audio explicatifs, des cas d'études et des vidéos sélectionnées
    avec soin.

  • des exercices de compréhension, de contrôles libres et de QCM,
    permettent de situer sa nouvelle aisance avec l'univers de la Blockchain, 

  • des temps de questions/ réponses en groupe et individuels, 

  • des recueils de commentaires et de satisfaction des stagiaires, du formateur et des finançeurs.

L'Organisme de formation 18Bis SAS espère répondre au mieux aux attentes d'une formation au service de l'ART et de ses acteurs professionnels.

on the Agenda :

Day 1
A constantly evolving technology

Day 2

NFT, a new field of exploration for artists and amateurs of art

Day 3

Smart contracts for creation

From the beginnings of the Cypher Punks movement of the mid-90s to the craze for web 3.0 today, history and discernment of the new Blockchain ecosystem.

Understand NFTs, become familiar with the platforms, terms, wallets, gas, burns, etc.

A universe under construction where fears and mistrust combine with opportunities and modernity.

Smart contracts, a technological leap towards new forms of copyright. Understand them better to use them better. Explanation by example to consider the use of NFTs with method, strategy and ambition.

Gildas Gentil 18Bis.jpeg




Gildas Gentil is the contact for matters linked to disabled trainees. Do not hesitate to ask him any questions. He will respond and find ways to adapt the training based on your disabilities.

Practical details

Contemporary Art and Blockchain:

A 15-hour training program organized in 5 modules over 3 days
The Glossary of Crypto-Art :
A 10-hour training course of 5 x 2-hour modules.

Beforehand: Complete the contact form


The training referent calls the candidate back as soon as possible (within 48 hours).
During this interview, all the information necessary for decision-making will be communicated:

Detailed programs, quotes, financial arrangements, consideration of each person's specific needs, instructions to carry out this training in a situation of disability, etc.).

Prerequisites to follow the training:

You have been a visual artist or author or in a professional art profession for at least 3 years

You have a smart phone and a connected computer.


Number of participants per session:

Contemporary Art & Blockchain (maximum 6 trainees)

Glossary of Crypto-Art (maximum 4 trainees)


Duration :

Contemporary Art & Blockchain (3 p.m.)

The Primer of Crypto-Art (10 hours)

Several training sessions are scheduled in each calendar month*.

Please note: Some funding organizations recommend a period of 4 weeks for validation of the candidates' application form before being able to start the training.


Location: the 18Bis gallery space (on the ground floor)

a few steps from Montmartre.

6 place de l’assommoir 75018 Paris,

Metro: Barbes (Lines 2 & 4)

(enter rue des Islettes)

During training:

Presentation of the training via overhead projector, connected laptop and smartphone, with all applications already configured.

An exercise manual for Contemporary Art & Blockchain per trainee.

“Online” questionnaires and assessments

During breaks: a space with coffee and tea on site is accessible to trainees. Smokers have a dedicated space in the courtyard.

60m² room for art exhibitions, professional training and Cultural Creative events.

Photo courtesy of Tascha


“Since the pandemic in 2020, the Art Market has accelerated a digitalization process that it had been putting off for too long.” Thierry HERMAN
Today we live in a new era of networking and digital intelligence, the result of economic development.
Blockchain and distributed cryptographic networks are subjects that are essential to understand as they will transform the world of art in the coming years. However, a small percentage of Artists say they understand how it works.

18Bis Internal regulations

Acquiring professional digital tools is part of the quality and service provided by the 18Bis SAS training organization. Rules at the training and organization location contribute to the smooth operation of the training, please read these short instructions.

A.1 Subject persons

These regulations apply to all trainees. Each trainee is expected to accept the terms of this contract when following training provided by 18Bis SAS.

A.2 Training schedule

The 18Bis SAS training organization organizes professional training in the field of contemporary art, which can accommodate up to 6 people simultaneously.


Training times during the week, between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. or Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., are scheduled according to the availability of the registered trainees and the trainer.

Once the schedule has been communicated (by email and confirmation by telephone), trainees undertake to be diligent and sign an attendance sheet every day.

*The 18Bis SAS Organization undertakes to offer a catch-up session per trainee (in the event of absence from a module and in the event that the trainee requires a revision to achieve the determined objective).

A.3 General health and safety rules

Each trainee must ensure their personal safety and that of others by respecting the general and specific safety instructions in force at the training sites.

A kitchen on the ground floor is available during breaks.

A.4 Teaching materials

Each trainee receives a presentation specific to their training. The use of the material for other purposes, in particular commercial purposes, is prohibited.

AT 5. Fire warning

For trainees present in a classroom, fire instructions and in particular a plan for locating emergency exits are displayed everywhere so that they are known to all trainees.

Demonstrations or exercises are planned to check the operation of fire-fighting equipment and evacuation prevention instructions. (on this particular point, see articles R.4227 -28 et seq. of the Labor Code).

A.6: Accident

Any accident or incident occurring during training must be immediately reported to the training manager. In accordance with article R 6342-3 of the Labor Code, the accident occurring to the trainee while he is in the training premises or while he is going there or returning from there, is subject to a declaration by the training manager to the social security fund.

A.7 Alcoholic beverages & tobacco

Trainees are prohibited from entering the classroom in a state of intoxication, bringing in alcoholic beverages or smoking. A smoking area is reserved in the courtyard outside.

Contact : Gildas GENTIL    06 67 69 31 89     

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